Profile number 106271
09/11/2023 Date added
Located in
Also interesting for this region (s)
All of the country
Service industry
Type of company
Travel agency
Legal entity
Private limited company
Type of transaction
Life phase enterprise
Employees in FTE
5 - 10
Type of buyer
Turnover last financial year
> 5.000.000
Asking price
> 5.000.000
Earnings before taxes
€ 500.000 - € 1.000.000
Ruim aanbod aan bestemmingen binnen en buiten Europa. Niche segment outbound tour operator met groeimogelijkheden. - Groot marktaandaal in het segment; - Ruim reisaanbod; - Eigen agentschap.
OMZET: +/- 10.000.000,00. EBITDA: +/- 550.000,00. LIQUIDE MIDDELEN: +/- 2.900.000,00.
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