Profiel nr. 102771

Production / Sales of designer furniture (Germany)

29/03/2021 Geplaatst

Gevestigd in


Ook interessant voor

Heel België

Algemene informatie



Soort bedrijf



Buitenlandse rechtsvorm


Nader te bepalen

Levensfase onderneming


Aantal medewerkers (in FTE)

< 5

Type koper

  • MBI kandidaat
  • Strategische overname
  • Investeerder

Financiële informatie

Omzet indicatie


Indicatie overnamebedrag


Resultaat voor belasting

€ 250.000 - € 500.000

Bedrijfshistorie / achtergrond

A new type of product or production process is up for sale, which has already achieved initial success on the market. Only production equipment, brand, website, customer list and know-how including 1 day of training are for sale. These are exclusive and extremely elegant designer bathtubs, shower trays and washbasins made of solid wood. Design resin tables are also produced. The strengths of the developer or owner lie primarily in the development and implementation (from the idea to the marketable product) and less in the development of sales and commercial and strategic development. Due to further projects, the owner also lacks the time to take care of the further development of the company to the extent necessary and to address the existing potential. For this reason, a successor is being sought who will build on the existing basis and lead the company into the future.

Activiteiten van het bedrijf
  • 4 product lines (bathtubs, wash basins, shower basins and tables)
  • Annual sales of around CHF 580,000 with an EBITDA of around 290,000
  • Currently mainly sold to end consumers
  • Sales network still under construction
  • The production facility is currently in place, with a space requirement of 150 m2 in Germany, but it can be relocated and operated at a different location at any time. Production output with the current system 4 bathtubs, 10 washbasins per week. Depending on the type of wood, prices vary between CHF 2,800 and CHF 3,800 for washbasins and between CHF 7,000 and 16,000 for bathtubs.

Onderscheidend vermogen
  • Attractive earning power with high margins thanks to our own innovative products
  • Unique production process
  • Scalable with great growth potential
  • Global target group
  • Expansion of the product range possible with little effort
  • Registered trademark
  • Low fixed costs thanks to efficient production processes
  • Low infrastructure requirements
  • Low risk of substitution (as there are no comparable alternative products)
  • No supplier dependencies


The offer is aimed at manufacturers of high-quality furniture and furnishings or at a technically gifted and sales-oriented private person.

Production / Sales of designer furniture (Germany)
Te koop aangeboden
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