01/11/2022 Geplaatst

Gevestigd in


Algemene informatie



Soort bedrijf

Land- en tuinbouw





Levensfase onderneming


Aantal medewerkers (in FTE)

5 - 10

Type koper


Financiële informatie

Omzet indicatie

> 5.000.000

Indicatie overnamebedrag

€ 1.000.000 - € 2.500.000

Resultaat voor belasting

> 5.000.000

Bedrijfshistorie / achtergrond

FoodTech Company (Future Fish Food) is a new Belgian company focused on smart and future proof data acquisition technology for more efficient live-stock management. The technology supports livestock farms with more economic, healthier and sustainable production. Massive data acquisition is the basis of and leads to predictive livestock management (Big Data). 

In the 1st phase, FoodTech Company focusses on the development of the V-Tag, a virtual tagging device (incl. software platform) for fish farms. As the technology will be further developped, solutions for poultry and other livestock will follow closely (2nd phase). 

Technology risk is low as partial existing and succesful technological applications of imaging, artificial intelligence and predictive modelling are used. Commercial risk is secured as FoodTech Company was created out of concrete market demand.

Activiteiten van het bedrijf

• During 2 years, FoodTech Company invested, supported by a VLAIO subvention, over 1,5 mio € in the creation of an AI Based, innovative and disruptive monitoring technology for non-intrusive monitoring and tracking of livestock. 

• It detects anomalies (disease, deformation, injury, …), follows individual growth performance, and allows for predictive farming 

• It leads to immediate return and increased profitability for the farmers 

• It helps to answer the actual worldwide challenges of food, feed and also sustainable and responsible production 

• Proof of concept is established 

• Go-To-Market strategy is ready 

• Break-even can be reached after 1 year

Onderscheidend vermogen

• Unique FoodTech solution, no competition in the market (worldwide) 

• Low technology risk - use of existing sub technologies with proven track record & stability in other applications 

• Strong appetite & concrete need from the market (1st pilot cases already identified) 

• Profitable business model with recurring revenues & high margins (SaaS model) 

• Full-Service Model - no CAPEX for customers 

• Strong & solid research (NOFIMA) & industrial partners


To achieve the goals & ambitions of the FoodTech Company, the company is looking for 1,8M Euro funding (seed+ round), completed (high probability) with a Horizon Europe Grant. The initial funding was covered by the founders and a subvention of the Flemish Government (Vlaio) and lead to great success during the Proof of Concept. 

The use of funds will be as follows: 

• Industrialisation 

• Buidling up database of AI 

• Building up key-references 

• Go-to-market

FoodTech Company - AI Based Tool
Te koop aangeboden
> 5.000.000
1.000.000 - 2.500.000